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Black Lives Matter

Statement from Florida Conservation Voters and FCV Chispa Florida We are grieving the continued loss of Black lives to an all too regular stream of unchecked violence at the hands of police. One year after George Floyd’s murder, we are still witnessing violence against and

Piney Point a Failure of Oversight and Accountability

The latest crisis at the Piney Point phosphate plant in Tampa Bay is the most recent chapter of a decades-long failure to reign in one of Florida’s most destructive industries: phosphate mining and production. Multiple administrations have allowed the toxic gypsum stacks, or ponds, at

Seven Florida Species to Celebrate and Save

Florida is one of the most species-rich states in the nation. With more than 80 different ecosystems, the state supports more than 100 species listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern. Many rare species are found only in our state—like the Florida bonneted bat

Letters to Lawmakers: Fund Affordable Housing

The below letter was sent by email to all Florida Legislators on 3/31 in opposition to HB 5401/SB2512. Dear legislators, I am writing to express Florida Conservation Voters’ opposition to HB 5401/SB2512 and urge you to oppose these bills as they are currently drafted. The